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OTS Special Warfare T- Shirt

Model#: Special Ops T-shirt Black
Black Shirt, Gold Imprint (No Pocket)
This is by far our most popular design! This shirt features a Special Operations diver with a LAR-5 Rebreather, Communications and an M16 rifle with M203 grenade launcher. This shirt is imprinted on a Black Hanes Beefy Tee with white print.
SKU: Special Ops T-Shirt (Black) Category:


This is by far our most popular Tee Shirt design! This shirt features a Special Operations diver with a LAR-5 Rebreather, Communications and an M16 rifle with M203 grenade launcher. This shirt is imprinted on a Black Hanes Beefy Tee with white print.
Black Shirt, Gold Imprint (No Pocket)
Blue Shirt, Gold Imprint (No Pocket)


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