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Guardian Full Face Mask

Tech Course

OTS offers online courses to help you learn how to service our equipment properly. Courses include servicing instructions on: breaking down the Full Face Mask, breaking down the 2nd Stage Regulator, reinstalling components of the Full Face Mask, reinstalling the components of the 2nd Stage Regulator and proper adjustments of the 2nd Stage Regulator.  Guardian Technician certification is good for three years. Recertification requires retaking the class and can be done online. 

How do to sign up for a course?

For the class you’re interested in attending, open the blue tab below and you’ll find the registration form link under the photograph.  Download the .pdf and complete the form below.


You will need an OTS Guardian Tool Kit to work on the mask and second-stage regulator. The kit contents are listed in the course descriptions on their respective pages. If you are re-certifying or have access to a kit, there’s no need to purchase one with each class unless you want to; we’re more than happy to sell all you’d like to purchase. Replacement tools are available individually.  

The Guardian online course consists of access to basically the power point program used during the in-person class augmented with a few quizzes. There are a few things you’ll need to effectively take the class in addition to the Guardian Technician Tool Kit, and be set to work on the masks and regulators. If you work for a dive shop or service center, you’ll most likely have access to test equipment. This is necessary to effectively adjust the second stage regulator and verify the performance.  Basic equipment is a magnehelic and an IP gauge.   There are several examples of these gauges, one recommended set is available from ScubaTools.com, however there are several other sources that have similar instruments that can be used. 

Additionally, a couple of tools that can make your job easier is ScubaTools inline adjustment tool (when ordering from ScubaTools, specify for the OTS Guardian) and an Omni-swivel Shut Off Valve (SOV-2). The inline adjustment tool will allow you to adjust the orifice without the need to remove the regulator from the low pressure hose and the SOV-2 will allow you to turn off the air pressure while making this adjustment.  The SOV-2 is available from OTS or from ScubaTools.  

ScubaTools also makes a snap ring installation tool as well.  This makes installation of the snap ring for the QD assembly on the mask a snap! (Sorry, couldn’t resist that)

For convenience and simplicity, ScubaTools has assembled these items in a kit:

To take to online course, open and complete the registration form as explained below.  Once the business side is completed and you have received the course kit/material, you will receive an email with a link to login to the online course.  When you complete the course you will receive your certification and will be granted access the “Guardian FFM Tech Parts” under the Store pop-down.  Make sure you register as a user here on our website. 

What Do I need for the Class?

The Guardian has a tool kit in a double-zippered bag with specialized tools for the mask and regulator, the Technician’s Manual, and a workbench mat with an exploded view.  You will need to bring it along with a Guardian mask and second-stage regulator to work on in class.  Bringing the workbench mat is optional.  If you’re using an older tool kit (pre-April 2024), you’ll need a 1/4 inch drive adapter for the Inner Clamp Ring Socket to the Screw Driver.  You may already have one in your toolbox, if not, they’re available at most hardware stores or on Amazon.  As an option to the adapter, you can bring a 6″ ratchet wrench with a 3 inch 1/4″ extension, but the adapter seems to work better and limits any over torquing you may get with the extra leverage of the wrench.  It’s also a good idea to bring a 6″ adjustable wrench.  Don’t forget an ink pen.  

UPDATE:  A 1/4 inch drive adapter is included with the tool kit now,  If you’re getting a new kit (post April 2024), no need to acquire one.  

Access to Technician Parts & Kits

1: Login

Go to the upper left corner of our page here, click “Login”.

2: Register

Click on “New User Registration”.

Follow the link and complete the information. Don’t worry, we don’t sell your information and won’t spam you. You might get an occasional newsletter from us.

3: Permissions

Check the appropriate box below “Check All User Permissions That Apply”.

Once you check the box, you’ll be prompted to enter your Tech Card Expiration Date.  Use the date on your certificate or the date of the class plus three years.

4: Pending

Your request will go into a “Pending Registrations” folder on the Admin side of our website.

Expect a business day or two for the approval notification.

5: Access

Once registered, go to “Store” at the top of our webpage.

You will see the “Guardian FFM Tech Parts” link for access to the shopping carts for various parts, kits, and components.

Additional Technician information and resources will also be listed with some of the shopping cart pages.


When your certification expires, you’ll lose access to the shopping cart area of the website.


You’ll need to recertify as your certifications expire.  For the Guardian, it’s just a matter of taking the online course or you may take the in-person class as an option, costs are the same.  When you recertify, notify the Training Coordinator and access to the Mask’s shopping cart will be re-instated.  

Guardian Full Face Mask
Technical/ Maintenance Course


$150 per Student Pre-Registered + $150 per Technician Tool Kit

Time requirements: Six hours of classroom instruction, excluding breaks and lunch.

Required Items:

  • Guardian FFM (If the student has no access to a mask, please advise. A training mask can be provided at no additional cost.)
  • Your tool kit
    • No need to travel with the exploded view bench mat

Upon completion of class, the student will receive the OTS Service Certification, which is valid for three years.

Guardian Course Info:

The OTS Guardian full-face mask technical/maintenance course will provide hands on training in the following areas of the Guardian FFM system:

OTS Tool Kit Includes:

Step: 1
Register for the Guardian Full Face Mask Technician Course by downloading the fillable PDF

Step: 2
Complete the PDF and upload it using the form below.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

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Limited Time Offer!

Easter Special

Purchase any Spectrum Full Face Mask and receive a FREE ABV, GoPro Mount & Mask Bag
(Retail value $191)

Plus receive an additional 30% off these select items:
  • Spectrum Rail (With Mounting Bracket)
  • Slide with 2 Light Clamps
  • LED Light for Rail System

Offer valid now through April 30, 2025.