Capture the Moment

Film & TV

Our Emmy Award Winning Technology has revolutionized the way underwater story telling is told for Film & Television. As pioneers and experts in recording underwater audio to cameras, we offer the best quality and clarity in the field and can satisfy any production need.

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Capture the moment

OTS Emmy Award Winning Technology

In 1991, founders Michael Pelissier and Jerry Peck were presented with a National Emmy Award for the impact underwater communications had on filmmaking. Never seen before underwater communications capabilities allowed for real time audio to be recorded on camera. The use of underwater communications also allowed for seamlessly underwater directing from all aspects of the production including: diver to talent, diver to diver, and diver to top side.

The Emmy Award Winning documentary was an ESPN project titled, “Expedition Earth,” starring Peter Benchly and Stan Waterman, filmed at Cocos Island with underwater cameraman Marty Snyderman and underwater sound cameraman Michael Pelissier. This notable achievement led Hollywood to establish OTS as the “go to” manufacturer for all their unique and custom needs. Today, OTS remains the number one choice for film & TV productions.

Learning Center

What is a Full Face Mask?

Well, the simple answer is it is a diving mask that integrates a 2nd stage regulator into it and covers the diver’s entire face. Want to know more?

Which Full Face Mask is right for me?

It really comes down to what features you are looking for in a Full Face Mask! The Guardian and Spectrum Full Face Masks both have great varying differences. 

Wireless Communications

What are wireless communications? How do they work? Are they right for me? Find out all about our industry leading technology and more.


Got a variety of different questions regarding all aspects of OTS equipment including Full Face Masks, Wireless and Hardwire gear?

Great White Shark Documentary

Over the three days of intense filming, things stayed smooth rolling. When you’re way out there in the middle of nowhere, and you’ve got a crew out there with the clock ticking, it’s important that your gear is working correctly. And it did. We got ahead of schedule, finishing everything we needed to do and more. I’m glad I made the choice with OTS because according to the captain, people don’t have good experiences with the alternatives.
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